Aiming for the ultimate in-meal sake.Aiming for the ultimate in-meal sake.

Aiming for the
Ultimate Food Sake

Our goal is to create the “ultimate food sake”.

We want our sake to be indispensable –
An essential aspect of any meal
Enhancing the entire eating experience.

We continue to learn and change so that
we can continuously offer better tasting sake.
Today’s sake is better than yesterday’s,
tomorrow’s sake is better than today’s.

Niizawa Brewery Co.
Representative Director Iwao Niizawa
The Brewers

Aiming for the ultimate in-meal sake.Aiming for the ultimate in-meal sake.

Aiming for the
Ultimate Food Sake

Our goal is to create the “ultimate food sake”.

We want our sake to be indispensable –
An essential aspect of any meal
Enhancing the entire eating experience.

We continue to learn and change so that
we can continuously offer better tasting sake.
Today’s sake is better than yesterday’s,
tomorrow’s sake is better than today’s.

Niizawa Brewery Co.
Representative Director Iwao Niizawa
The Brewers

Aiming for the ultimate in-meal sake.Aiming for the ultimate in-meal sake.

Aiming for the
Ultimate Food Sake

Our goal is to create the “ultimate food sake”.

We want our sake to be indispensable –
An essential aspect of any meal
Enhancing the entire eating experience.

We continue to learn and change so that
we can continuously offer better tasting sake.
Today’s sake is better than yesterday’s,
tomorrow’s sake is better than today’s.

Niizawa Brewery Co.
Representative Director Iwao Niizawa
The Brewers
